Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekly Progress Report For The Week Super Explosion Extravaganza #1

Well... Seeing as the Project just started last week, give or take a few days, I don't have much to report on. Not much research to be had here. However, I did pick out two topics that interested me and made a "proposal" on them. Has for challenges... Um... Video games?... Not too many questions happen to pop up in my head at the moment. My goal for this project is to hopefully get it rolling...
    Mark OUT!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Feed D.J. #1

Significant Passage:
"The thing I hate about space is that  you can feel how old and empty it is.  I don't know if the others felt like I felt about space, but I think they did because they all got louder.  They all pointed more and squeezed close to Link's window" (4).

  My thought's about this passage is the main character take's a moment out to reflect about the cold emptiness of space when it's something humans in real life have tried to reach for years and make it work. this book is seeing that when humans have indeed reached their goal it nothing more then forgotten in dust blown away by the wind. Why would the author write the story this manner when the main character's friends are all having a good time? I felt the passage was written a little awkwardly, but maybe that's just because I don't understand it.

This passage is written in the first person point of view.  It reads like the way the narrator is thinking.   this gives the main character more personality.  It also gives the reader a chance to connect to him.  When the narrator makes observations about his outside surroundings, it makes him seem like a calm, thoughtful person. This is an example of character development. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

(Click for audio)

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost : The Poetry Foundation

I thought this was a good choice for a poem because it shares another individuals opinions on the end of the world due to war and environment. He shows his choice of which apocalyptic event he would prefer.He first says he would prefer fire which could mean war and nuclear devices. He said this based off of his knowledge of the human nature and, what I can assume, is his past experience. In stanzas three and four it says "From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire" He could mean that humans are willing fight for resources, money, and power that they would unleash devastating bombs that could crack up the surface of the earth causing the end of the world has everyone knows it. Another meaning it could have is that the poem (although he wasn't around to know about it) is that it is about global warming. Temperatures due to global warming have reached new highs. Global warming has caused fire forest fires and the melting of the ice caps resulting in the burning and flooding of land. However in stanzas six and seven he said "I think I know enough of hate, To say that for destruction ice" in direct contrast with his first opinion. That could be related to global warming with the ice cap slidding down and crushing the land and civilization we love so much. Another possible outcome is that the nuclear bombs could cause a nuclear winter for all the survivors left.

These depictions of the possible future show us some of the problems we have today in the present, such as our government's over dependence on war to solve feign troubles and our over use of coal powered machines to power everyone's daily lives.